Monday 14 July 2014

Branch Meeting 18th July 2014

At this month's meeting we welcome Dr Simon House, a financial consultant based in Southampton.  His talk is entitled;

”'Offensive รก outrance': French Doctrine & Tactics in 1914”

Dr House, like our May speaker Dr Jim  Beach, is a member of the Army Records Society.  In this presentation he looks at the French actions in the first few months of the war;  how they implemented their 'Plan 17' and where, and why, it went wrong.

Branch Meeting 20th June 2014

Apologies for the late post about last month's talk.

Dr. John Bourne, former director of the Institute for First World War Studies at Birmingham University, gave an enthralling talk about his research into some of the names on his home town's Great War memorial.


“Thoughts on a Small Town’s Roll of Honour –Burslem, Staffs.”,

it was a fascinating insight into the men of Burslem, their lives and livelihoods, reasons why they joined up and what became of them.  Delivered with professional ease, it was a much appreciated presentation.